Enabling you with our Value Added Services

At Trident we provide a broad portfolio of services that can be offered to a wide range of customers. Our Services portfolio will ensure our customer technology Infrastructure is never compromised. Our suite of services ranges from managing simple to complex IT infrastructure throughout the clock. As an end-to-end services provider, we aim to deliver solutions across the spectrum of IT needs which include: custom-developed solutions and processes, product development, integration of third-party products/solutions, maintenance and support, Training services among others. Trident aims to understand your issues, innovate where appropriate, and deliver services that adhere to tried and tested methodologies.

Our Services Include

Professional Services

Managed IT Services

Outsourced Skills

Cloud Services

Consulting and Training


Businesses today cross borders and regions, so you need a service
a provider that goes where you are.




Healthcare & Hospitality


Oil & Gas
